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Articles By Chas Nicole

3 Daily Routines To My Morning

3 Daily Routines To My Morning

Have you ever been to a place when you said you just couldn’t do it anymore? By now you may know, I was a high-school dropout (11th grade) with a GED and a teen mom by the age of 16. Born in the type of family who were known to have get- togethers where we never got together. Yet, our divided family gatherings would lead to a bunch of drinking, put downs, and arguments. I knew of the bible, but was never trained why it existed. My sister was the first person to introduce me to God after I had my daughter. She was the oldest out of 4 kids, but left the home when I was 15 years old. Out on my own at the age of 18, taking care of my elder grandfather and daughter. I was left without education, job training, mentor, or a biblical guidance. Zero-zilch! By the age of 20, I met my now husband and started a ready made family. He had a son, I had a daughter, and we shared a beautiful grandbaby boy. I started making decisions in family mode; not thinking about saving money and making millions. Throughout the years, I was afflicted so many times, I had no choice but to learn God for myself. As doors begin to shut and people turn their backs, it suppresses you to lean on the almighty SPIRITUAL POWER. I am sharing these things with you so you will know how broken I was and how important it is for YOU to overcome the afflictions of SELF. 

Are you that individual who is trying to pursue God’s purpose? My plan is to help others understand the importance of finding your purpose through the creator. Never giving up on living your best life possible. Here are my three daily prescriptions that will help you get through your trials. 

  • The moment my eyes opened (around 4:00 am) and my feet hit the floor, I bowed down and said, “Thank God for allowing me another day to spread your word and love here on earth. Lord, I ask that you continue to allow my husband the strength to lead this household. Thank you for shielding my children and grandson while they go on through their day. I pray for my mother, father, and siblings health and wellness. Father, continue to give me wisdom and guide my footsteps in the direction you see fit in my life.” This was the start of my day thanking and asking God to deliver his will as I knew HE would. 

    In the past, I’ve always knew God had a calling on my life, but I wasn’t sure how he would provide. One thing I knew, whatever his plans were in my life, it was BIG. Believe me when I say, literally, faith comes by hearing not by sight. You’ll be surprised about the conversations I had and still having with God. If you haven’t already, want you try him for yourself? 


    I don’t know what gets your juices flowing 4:30 am in the morning, but for me, brushing my teeth and washing my face was a significant part of me waking up with the roosters. Thereafter, I would find myself at the brew machine holding a 12 oz cup of coffee. Not to mention, 2 sugar cubes and hint of french vanilla that hit the spot and would drive my morning gears. I had 2 options in the house to begin my work. Letting the television play on silent while I worked in the den on my laptop. On the other hand, my true thinking place, was the front office of my home. Here’s where the magic happens. Alone, quiet, and ready to get started on my awesome day.


     I started out in my journal, while listening to classical music, jotting down a target list in which was called the “Playmaker”. Do you guys remember the Dallas Cowboy football wide receiver, Michael Irving? He called himself the playmaker. Mike was a chatterbox, but delivered those touchdowns when it came his turn. Minute after minute, hour after hour, I would check off my completed tasks. Any uncompleted tasks were left for the next day. Yes, I allowed myself carry overs without getting carried away! Lol :-) 

    Look, I’m not saying every morning was peachy. I wouldn’t want you to have those expectations of a perfect day using your 3 daily prescriptions. In other words, God is revealing himself more and more everyday. You have a divine position to help others. Be amazed when he shows up and shows out in your life. Heck, I was like David, dancing through the temple (my house, church, or where ever I could dance). It’s like when a positive spirit takes over your body and you begin to dance and shout no matter who’s looking. Right now SHOUT VICTORY and don’t be ashamed to show others WHO YOU ARE! 

    From your gracious sister with love,

    Chas Nicole

    P.S. if this blog resonated with you or someone you love, write back to our Facebook letting us know where this message sat on your heart. Visit us @chasnicoleMHA. 




    IMAGINE you have opened a successful business. What does that look like? Now you can start saving, investing, and enjoying the fruits of life. The base word of an entrepreneur is a noun who is a person that organizes and operates a business(es), taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.  But now let’s take a closer look into organizing, operating, and the financial risks taken to reach across the thresholds of success in business. 

    Organization possess great preparation so you’ll need to succeed in both simultaneously. This is where creating a masterful business plan scoping out the tools you’ll need for current and future endeavors. When I started my own business, I received coaching from a company named Score. They mentored me by mapping out what my business would look like once up and running. You may want to research different CRM’s (customer relationship management) to keep you organized once your business starts to grow. Most CRM’s offer email marketing, automation tools, and much more. Now your business will look professional and you can reach more clients faster.

    The best action you can take is the prediction of a business operating with buying clients. How would you stay relevant and whitelisted? Heard the saying, “why reinvent the wheel?” Our great leaders, celebrities, and influencers have already set the tone for staying current through the public lenses. Can you name people who influenced you the most in business? How did they gain your trust? What kept you coming back for more inspiration? You can now use the same tools to help sustain your company. 

    It's hard enough to help raise a family without having to worry about taking financial risks. Get ready to win some and lose some with a great understanding that eventually you’ll WIN. When is the last time you’ve checked your credit score? Having good personal and business credit will carry you a long way. Taking up some financial literacy classes or even hiring a financial agency to assist you with knowing where your money is going would help your business grow. Google local and state business grants that may be available to small business owners. It beats borrowing from family and friends. Knowing your resources will save you lots of money. 

    What’s the best investment you could make? I’m extremely pleased to answer that question. YOURSELF! Remember owning your own business does have its benefits. However, the people who play as hard as they work exemplifies the reward of success.


    Think of what you have to look forward to, ENTREPRENEURSHIP!

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