Do you have something to say or not?
Once upon a time, there lived an introvert who’s messages were left in her head for 38 long years. Every time she went to speak, her voice was invisible. Can anyone hear me, she pondered? But yet still no one answered. She went on questioning, what was so different about her than others? People would speak saying she was weird, segregated, and anti-sociable. For long she started to believe the negative talk, but only within her mind, she knew God had amazing plans for her life.
It’s funny how societal extroverts of this world feel introverts are meant to be left silently. When truly we’ve explored the same possibilities in our inner thoughts. I could remember in high school being around a room full of people and feeling abandon. She’s incapable and lacks creativity some would say. But to tell you the truth, I just didn’t know how to express my thoughts in a voice.
It was not until a few months back, when all of my eggs were in one basket and I thought that life was great because I was connected through family, money, and most important my spiritual bond grew. It was at that pivotal moment when the basket was yanked from under me, I no longer had that sitting cushion. Lord, now I must dig myself out of this very unpromising place. In search of me finding who I am and why am I here on this Earth, I went to get advice from God. On several occasions, he gave me the word that brought Goosebumps over my body. I couldn’t just ignore the messages that came from him. With each message that was delivered to me rather if it came from the pastor of my church or a friend that I never met in mere passing, this was the Lord's way of speaking to me for his grace and mercy. I continued to dig and shovel to find my true authentic self, contrary to the public's opinion. What type of a human being would say, you are not worthy of God’s many blessings? On this Earth, we all have a purpose and it’s not meant for us to just take a number and have a seat.
For all of the introvert's in the world do not allow your voice to be unheard. Take the time to discover your characteristics and utilize it to your fullest potential. Your purpose will leave off shame and misunderstanding at the door. All of a sudden, you’ll begin that positive self talk and feel those deep roots revealed. In my sister's words, “whistle while you work.” Which means you're living in your purpose and enjoying it while working. In the introverted world, we tend to not explore because we are fearful of what the public will think and it puts you in a deep dark mind-set. It’s one thing not to know your dirty laundry, but once God reveals your purpose continue to share your life’s manifestations.
I believe in you and so does God! . “Yes, yes!” in the words of Lisa Nichols. I have plenty to say, my name is Chasity Garner and I’m truly loving the skin I'm in.
Just by reading this message, does it bring that burning sensation to know you were built for greatness? Whoooo Hooooo, in my Christopher Peters voice! Give yourself a pat on the back as we go through this journey together.
Introvert Unleashed
Coach Chas